InstaCare Logo


Pioneering Healthcare Accessibility


InstaCare is an innovative mobile app harmonizing with smartwatches, delivering instant healthcare access complemented by free AI assistant services. Crafted to alleviate the time and distance dilemmas encountered by young professionals, InstaCare redefines healthcare convenience, offering prompt, personalized care at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. 


How might we create a solution/service that empowers young professionals to proactively manage their health risks by streamlining access to healthcare services?


The most prevalent hindrances preventing young professionals from visiting a doctor are time-related factors such as lengthy procedures and demanding work schedules. Additionally, location and distance pose significant concerns when selecting a healthcare provider.


We believe that by introducing a mobile app seamlessly integrated with smartwatch technology, offering instant access to healthcare services via video, audio, or text, we can effectively address the time and distance barriers faced by young professionals during doctor visits.

InstaCare - Behind the Scene

My Role

UX Researcher

UX Strategist

UX/UI Designer




Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator



Jan - May, 2022

Research - solution - Execution - Testing - Handoffs

Problem Statement

Working professionals need a convenient healthcare solution because they often feel frustrated visiting doctors for minor health concerns. Without easy access to timely medical assistance, their health risks rise, and their ability to manage their well-being diminishes.

Root Cause Assumption

InstaCare Design Approach - Root Cause Analysis

Quantitative vs Qualitative 



Key Findings- Quantitative

Quantitative Research findings on "what might stop you from visiting a doctor"
Quantitative Research findings on "how likely would you visit a doctor when you have minor health concerns?"
Quantitative Research Findings on "what might affect your decisions when choosing a doctor?"

Analysis - Fun Fact


When asked about their usual response to minor symptoms or health concerns, only 11.8% of people said they would "go to clinics or hospitals." 


However, when asked "how likely they would be to visit a doctor" when experiencing minor symptoms, responses revealed that many were actually willing to seek medical help. On a scale of 1-10, 17.6% of participants chose 10, and 11.8% chose 9, indicating a high likelihood of visiting a doctor. 

In total, 70.6% of people chose a rating above 5, suggesting their willingness to seek medical attention if they have the opportunity.

Key Insights - Qualitative 

5 interviewees participated in this research. 

(Due to privacy concerns, all the interviewees were recorded as anonymous.)

Research Findings - Qualitative
Interview findings

Synthesis Result

Problem Root Cause

Through the research, we identified the problem's root causes:

Business Challenge

How might we innovate a convenient healthcare solution tailored to young professionals, optimizing doctor visits' time efficiency, overcoming location and distance obstacles, and effectively mitigating health risks to elevate their well-being?

Research - Solution - execution - Testing - Handoffs


Target Users:

We aim to address the medical needs of young professionals, including:

Customer Journey Map

What does Daniel's busy one-day look like? 

Creating a customer journey map for Daniel's typical busy day when he experiences migraines provides valuable insights into his pain points, needs, and behaviors throughout the day. Understanding how he handles migraines amidst his busy schedule allows us to identify opportunities for providing support and tailored solutions. 

Divergent Ideation - Force Fit Grid

InstaCare Design Approach - Force Fit Grid


InstaCare Design Approach - Assumption Matrix

Evaluation & Prioritization

InstaCare Design Approach - Prioritization Matrix


We believe that a mobile app integrating with a smartwatch that provides instant access to healthcare services through video, audio, or text will help solve young professionals’ concerns about time and distance when they visit a doctor. As its physical extension, a healthcare booth/hub can be set up anywhere in the city.

Success Metrics

Numbers of Downloads

Numbers of Signups

Numbers of Visits

Numbers of Appointments

Numbers of 4+ Star Reviews

Social Media Shares

Research - Solution - execution - Testing - Handoffs

IA Sitemap

InstaCare  - Site Map

User Flow

InstaCare  - User Flow

Mid-fi Wireframes

InstaCare  - Wireframes

Design Guideline

InstaCare  - Design Guideline
InstaCare  - Logos

Hi-fi Prototypes

InstaCare  - Hi-fi Design and Prototyping

Research - Solution - execution - Testing - Handoffs


Usability Testings

Moderated Online

Usability Testings

Moderated In-person






Success Rate


Average Time on Completion

2 clicks

Average Unnecessary Clicks


InstaCare  - Usability Test Findings

User Feedback

Positive (+)

Negative (-)


InstaCare  - Iterations
InstaCare  - Iterations
InstaCare  - Iterations
InstaCare  - Iterations
InstaCare  - Iterations

Research - Solution - execution - Testing - Handoffs

InstaCare  - Handoffs
InstaCare  - Handoffs
InstaCare  - Handoffs

Product Demo

Pre-trained AI Chatbot:

AI Chatbot Demo

Find a Doctor:

Find a doctor demo

Visit a Doctor:

Visit a doctor demo