Pioneering Healthcare Accessibility
InstaCare is an innovative mobile app harmonizing with smartwatches, delivering instant healthcare access complemented by free AI assistant services. Crafted to alleviate the time and distance dilemmas encountered by young professionals, InstaCare redefines healthcare convenience, offering prompt, personalized care at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere.
How might we create a solution/service that empowers young professionals to proactively manage their health risks by streamlining access to healthcare services?
The most prevalent hindrances preventing young professionals from visiting a doctor are time-related factors such as lengthy procedures and demanding work schedules. Additionally, location and distance pose significant concerns when selecting a healthcare provider.
We believe that by introducing a mobile app seamlessly integrated with smartwatch technology, offering instant access to healthcare services via video, audio, or text, we can effectively address the time and distance barriers faced by young professionals during doctor visits.
InstaCare - Behind the Scene
My Role
UX Researcher
UX Strategist
UX/UI Designer
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Jan - May, 2022
Research - solution - Execution - Testing - Handoffs
Problem Statement
Working professionals need a convenient healthcare solution because they often feel frustrated visiting doctors for minor health concerns. Without easy access to timely medical assistance, their health risks rise, and their ability to manage their well-being diminishes.
Root Cause Assumption
Quantitative vs Qualitative
Persona Behavior
Persona Psychology
Persona Experience
Persona Motivation
Interacted Tools/Service
Key Findings- Quantitative
Analysis - Fun Fact
When asked about their usual response to minor symptoms or health concerns, only 11.8% of people said they would "go to clinics or hospitals."
However, when asked "how likely they would be to visit a doctor" when experiencing minor symptoms, responses revealed that many were actually willing to seek medical help. On a scale of 1-10, 17.6% of participants chose 10, and 11.8% chose 9, indicating a high likelihood of visiting a doctor.
In total, 70.6% of people chose a rating above 5, suggesting their willingness to seek medical attention if they have the opportunity.
Key Insights - Qualitative
5 interviewees participated in this research.
(Due to privacy concerns, all the interviewees were recorded as anonymous.)
Synthesis Result
Problem Root Cause
Through the research, we identified the problem's root causes:
Time-related factors (time-consuming procedures and work schedules) became the most common reason that might stop young professionals from visiting a doctor.
Location and distance became their biggest concern when choosing a doctor.
Business Challenge
How might we innovate a convenient healthcare solution tailored to young professionals, optimizing doctor visits' time efficiency, overcoming location and distance obstacles, and effectively mitigating health risks to elevate their well-being?
Research - Solution - execution - Testing - Handoffs
Target Users:
We aim to address the medical needs of young professionals, including:
Those with demanding schedules, struggling to make time for traditional doctor visits.
Individuals in remote areas or with transportation challenges.
Users seeking instant access to medical advice and services, without the hassle of scheduling appointments.
Customer Journey Map
What does Daniel's busy one-day look like?
Creating a customer journey map for Daniel's typical busy day when he experiences migraines provides valuable insights into his pain points, needs, and behaviors throughout the day. Understanding how he handles migraines amidst his busy schedule allows us to identify opportunities for providing support and tailored solutions.
Divergent Ideation - Force Fit Grid
Evaluation & Prioritization
We believe that a mobile app integrating with a smartwatch that provides instant access to healthcare services through video, audio, or text will help solve young professionals’ concerns about time and distance when they visit a doctor. As its physical extension, a healthcare booth/hub can be set up anywhere in the city.
Success Metrics
Numbers of Downloads
Numbers of Signups
Numbers of Visits
Numbers of Appointments
Numbers of 4+ Star Reviews
Social Media Shares
Research - Solution - execution - Testing - Handoffs
IA Sitemap
User Flow
Mid-fi Wireframes
Design Guideline
Hi-fi Prototypes
Research - Solution - execution - Testing - Handoffs
Usability Testings
Moderated Online
Usability Testings
Moderated In-person
Probe: user’s awareness towards health care online service
What do you think this app is for when you first viewed it?
Sign up and log in
Search doctors by using “migraine” and apply the filter “don’t use insurance this time,” “available now,” and “language: English”
Read the first doctor’s info and schedule an appointment
Visit the doctor now
End the visit and finish the after-visit survey
Start a conversation with the AI consultant
What are your thoughts on the language used?
How easy or difficult was it to navigate? (1-10)
What did you like the most about using this product?
What did you like the least?
Success Rate
Average Time on Completion
2 clicks
Average Unnecessary Clicks
User Feedback
Positive (+)
Great concept
Succinct language
Easy to navigate
Simple and intuitive interface
Clean color palette
Aesthetic design
Negative (-)
“Skip” Button was more obvious than “Continue”;
Larger button would be easier to press;
Keep all CTA buttons blue and secondary buttons a different color;
Bigger video call screen would be more user friendly;
The spacing between the filter dropdowns is too tight;
Would be better to have labels on the top of filters;
The “text” icon and “book later” icon on doctor’s profile block are too small and too close;
Doctor’s name and “Available Now” on doctors’ filter results should be clickable/accessible
Would be better to add “Pause” and “End” to pre-video live chat frame
Research - Solution - execution - Testing - Handoffs
Product Demo
Pre-trained AI Chatbot:
Patient Triage: Assess the urgency of symptoms reported by the patient, and direct them to appropriate healthcare services or provide advice on self-care.
Appointment Scheduling: Help patients schedule appointments with healthcare providers.
Creating Profile: Gather information provided by the patient about their medical history, insurance information, etc. , to create a profile and medical report with their consent.
Find a Doctor:
Search for a Doctor: Our quick filter and sorting feature provides an easy way to match you with healthcare providers, or you can ask AI Chatbot for recommendations.
Access the Provider's Profile: Check out their credentials, specialty, and online reviews/ratings from verified patients.
Schedule an Appointment: Schedule, cancel, or reschedule an appointment through their calendar, or by calling their office directly.
Save your Confirmation Number: You'll be provided a confirmation number to help you quickly start your visit within seconds.
Visit a Doctor:
Virtual Visit: Simple and plain - enter your appointment number to log in at the scheduled appointment time.
Smart Device Data Sync: Sync data from your smart device, such as blood pressure readings or glucose levels, to help AI and your doctor start diagnosis.
Join the Call through Video, Audio, or Text message: We respect your privacy and accessibility and empower you to choose the best method.